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Friday Jul 26 2024 09:25PM ET
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  A wandering monk called Vaccha asked the Buddha if the Buddha would still exsist after death. The Buddha replied:
"Vaccha, the idea that I would exist or not exist after death - such ideas lead to dense jungles and arid deserts, to entanglements... continue...

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Visitor 1:
Just to say what i think. i find this forum has quite a lot of theories or thinking about zen. but are all these theories really needed? since most points to the same, why don't we cut short such theories n talk about some life experiences?

The d.o.m.:
"just to say what i think." Is this different from what others think and say or not?

So, why don't you tell your own "life experiences"? And first of all, the d.o.m. would like to hear what you mean with word 'life', if you don't mind.

Visitor 2:
Of course we are refering to common human being on earth here, life begins when there is such a biased "I" who is dominating force is arising or functioning such that he or she is the same person a moment ago and or a moment later. Usually between mother's pregnancy & death, it is so called human lifespan on earth. In short, there is any arising & ceasing... it is called a life's formation. That is my understanding about my personal life, SIR. Thanks.

The d.o.m.:
Yes. Mr. David, but what you are telling here is still from your memory. May the d.o.m. hear something more directly?

Visitor 2:
Yes. It is true. Just wonder what kind of direct story the DOM might like to hear from someone of common ordinary poor mind like me. I am neither poem singing nor good language expression. Perhaps an example such as the breath in & breath out or abdomen rising & falling... Or you mean something else rather... THANKS.

The d.o.m.:
You are talking to the d.o.m. and he is talking to you. This is called life.

The dom is now drinking a cup of Haichao green tea. He enjoys the taste of the tea. And he also looks at the weeping cedar that has a dragon-like shape studded with morning dew-drops in front yard. He is appreciating the beauty of the morning dawn and feels serenity through out. This is called life, too.

So, it can be said that life is the relationship - whether it's good or bad - between human being and human being, human being and nature such as other beings or things on the earth or in the sky..., especially at the present moment or now.

Visitor 2:
So this is the so called the DOM's life. This is how the DOM is living on earth. Him seems no difference from a tree, a leaf, a flower, an ant, a bird, a simple man etc etc etc... maybe to immeasurable system... But to us common people, we still cling there is such a thing called now or present and even the past and the future... Your to & fro conversation lately had been very helpful indeed, SIR. Sadhu

The d.o.m.:
About that, it would not be said say the same or different. It's just no division or duality.

Visitor 2:
Yes, I suppose it is, ...perhaps this is even NOT easy to understand thoeretically, not to mention the process of penetration into it practically... Thank you very much, SIR! ...bowing out... I am back to my daily job.

Visitor & The d.o.m. 11/06/03


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