The d.o.m.: Last time the d.o.m. suggested an answer to your question about Karma. It went like this:
Question: "I have never understood Karma. It seems to be a story for children of why bad things happen to good people. If I live in the twinkling of eye, why would pass lives or future lives make any difference to me? It seems that if it is impossible to explain my existence, it would also be impossible to explain happenings in that existence> MU"
Answer: "Karma means it's your responsibility for what you have done and what you have never done in the world.
Why is that so?
Because you are yourself and also the rest of mankind at the same time."
Now, the d.o.m. would like to change his words in this way:
Karma is something like sum of: the constant 'h' of Max Planck plus the Relativity of Abert Einstein plus the Uncertainty of Werner Heisenberg plus the cat of Erwin Schrodinger...
However, to the d.o.m., it would be something like this:
If he ate a light breakfirst in the early morning, then he would feel hungry in the afternoon.
Afterall, he doesn't know which one of the above could help you anything.
STEPHEN: "If he ate a light breakfirst in the early morning, then he would feel hungry in the afternoon."
Thank you, this is very helpfull. MU
The d.o.m.& Visitor 04/28/04
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