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TOPIC: WHERE DID THE D.O.M. COME FROM? Posted by the d.o.m.
on Nov.13.2004
@ 08:37 PM

the d.o.m.:
When Ikkyu was too old and confused,
his eyes no longer could see things clearly,
he had some wrong words:
"This one came from that place,
that one will go to the this place."

He did not realize that those wrong words of his
have been driving his offspring in a lunatic way.
They have repeated those words
but misunderstand their meaning completely.

They do not know that
the d.o.m. is no one,
he is not a single thing.

That's why if someone thinks and says that
"The d.o.m. came from this place or that place" or
"he hides somewhere"
that is totally wrong.

What they see with their eyes and believe in it
is just an illusion,
because what the eye can perceive is very limited, one-sided - not the whole.

Master Zen:

well,....... how about vietnam? no?
Knucklehead City? That's it!

the d.o.m.:
Oh! Master Zen is a guy who is good for nothing just sitting around here sing a dumb song of himself.

The d.o.m. now knows one more thing about MZ.
MZ looks at things with one-eye-up and one-eye-down.
How could he see thing-as-it-is?

Master Zen:
He guesses!

What they see with their eyes and believe in it is just an illusion, because what the eye can perceive is very limited, one-sided - not the whole.
Very true...

But it is nice to hear from you, even with my limited perspective.


d.o.m. is not a single thing cause he dont hold unto things. we could say hes free but this would also be attachment.
or a thing to point too and hold unto.
as a matter of fact d.o.m. holds no special knowledge. my experiences of life are far differant than his and my thoughts. but its all info.
but his "mind" is no differant. it looks in differant directions than shaynes. and others here.
but thats the point....this mind.
seeing your own mind..you can see others. cause they are the same...where they point is a differant story though.
i have yet to see him speak of astral travel or intuition ect...but his mind does see the reality as is as it happens. am i better? this is funny. i just look in differant directions than him is all.

and yes i respect him as a student here in this way of life as well.
the teacher is all around.

gassho to the world.

Time is a canvas stretched across a framework of space upon which God paints with the brushes and pigments of cause and effect, and the studio has many windows.

6-10 Chars:
Nice. Consciousness as window to miracles.

"d.o.m. is no one, he is not a single thing" but I'd like to call him friend.

Master Zen:
the dom must be something?

gosh,i deslike this big brother watching things!

Why miwuwei?

read your orwell well do!(beside that we had the stasi,we know how stupid big brother can be!...i only say:underwear in preserv glasses+ got your neighbor your message to deliver to the next officer?but you must know it yourself,a new mac carthy witch hunting season has started allready!)

Oh so true. Although I think Mr. Orwell made a big underestimation when he described the powers of the big brother. It's going to be worse, and we're going to witness it all. Well, whatever, I don't mind it. It will be always possible to have the required level of privacy for the knowledgeable people. The big brother is blind to many things and will be blind in the future too. "If it's software encrypted, forget it" -NSA

well,as co founder of the green party in germany i was used to have my phone under observation!i tought only...the poor guys who must hear my conversations...well,thats their karma,they must go trough it!lol..i´m sure they learned a lot about themselfs....coz i often included them into(it was easy at this times to noticed when they had been into!even the press people laught about!)!poor voyeur devils!die gedanken sind frei,wer kann sie erahnen?...the best way to deal with it,is to not get overimpressed by them,coz that is giving them the power they dont deserve...THEY are doing wrong,not other way round!!!+ by the way ,this big burocratic systems are so into inside fightings+ overboarded with infos that the stasi did nt see the end of the regime coming+ the cia still pretends the informations they had never reached bush properly!+the spy radars are more interest in spying informations for the big buisness from other countries than anything else....we are miceshit to them!....the problem is that too many agree losing their rights for so called"security improvements"!how easy to fool the sheeps!...do,are you still member of the cia?

Well yes, I agree in that the most of the aforementioned information concerns bigger circles than we are as individuals. The problem is that the information is available also concerning us, the small people. The abuse of such information has been made possible and the possibility will be exploited sooner or later. This is not a new problem in the history of mankind. It's an old problem that has been recognized since the ancient times. The big problem is that modern technology allows almost endless collection of personal information if the required funding is arranged. And guess what? The funding is there! Not only governments do that, but also businesses. They collect, re-deliver and use information about us every day. Think about your government.. the banks.. insurance companies.. direct marketing.. well. In large cities, it's impossible buy a bottle of milk without being recorded on several videotapes or digital recorders. And by the way - who's using a credit card? Or do you visit the library frequently using the library's ID card? Have you heard about the problem with identity thefts? Such intimidating acts are all too easy nowadays when information is so easilly available.

"Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes - Who will watch the watchmen?"

the d.o.m.: From 6-10 Chars
"Is the "administrator" of this site is actually a "team?"

Mr 6-10 Chars,
You don't like the "administrator", do you?

It seems that some persons around here hate him very much, because some postings of theirs have been removed from this board with the reason: the "limitless freedom" to express themselves crashed over the "limits" of the "limitless freedom" of the other posters in this forum. Right?

the d.o.m.:
Mr Lynn,
Whatever you'd to call the d.o.m., just feel free and do it. Each person who has come here called him in different way, you have seen that.

the d.o.m.:
From Doreen
"But it is nice to hear from you, even with my limited perspective."

Ms Doreen,
It's nice to hear from you, too.
How is your son doing?

the d.o.m.:
From shayne
"d.o.m. is not a single thing cause he dont hold unto things. we could say hes free but this would also be attachment."

Mr Shayne,
The d.o.m. doesn't even know if he is attached or not.

the d.o.m.:
From Master Zen
"the dom must be something?"

Mr MZ,
It seems that your name "Master Zen" is going to changed into "Ikkyu". Right?

the d.o.m.:
From miwuwei
"gosh,i deslike this big brother watching things!"

Ms Miyuvei,
If you disliked him, you would feel bad.
If you liked him, you would feel better.
If you loved him, it would be wonderful.

where is the d.o.m going to?

the d.o.m.:
Mr Ilogos,
He is going to have a cup of tea.
Would you like to have some tea?

good evening d.o.m.... thanks, a thirst-quencher!

the d.o.m.:
First, a little bitter, bitter, then sweet, sweet...
Good green tea! Good green tea!
Have a good evening, Mr Ilogos.
And good night!

well i should love big brothers...well i do,out of compassion i even kick some crownjewels with my knee!

Master Zen:
no, I would have gladly gone to visit the sex-pot named Hell
without any fear I would have faced the dangerous curves of her gorgeous naked body.
with the greatest of discipline I would explore every inch of her hormone engorged breasts.
pretending to become her sex slave, I would let her torture me with every perverted sex act known to mankind.
only occasionally coming up for air, I would reassess the situation
and then, ONLY after she was completely worn out, I would reveal my plan to let her get all that "evil" sex out of her system so I could talk to her about zen.

6-10 Chars:
MZ, you are truly a saint to sacrifice yourself so completely!
I have used your technique to great success: when they are spent and I begin to talk of Zen, they suddenly remember appointments and leave me to eat and drink in peace!

6-10 Chars:
from the d.o.m.: You don't like the "administrator", do you?

Au contraire! I like the d.o.m. very much! You ask good questions. You help people look for answers. Please, I try to make good posts. Sometimes I'm too proud, but I'm happy to be small again. Thank you for teaching!

mr lynn ? :)

dont make me bust out my !#@$#@ bazooka

do,are you still member of the cia?
LOL! Mi - I am sure you know there are medications to help with your paranoia...LOL!!
Why would you think I was a member of the CIA; my awareness of French history? LOL! Okay, I confess, I am a member of the Nana brigade - super secret - we only let people with bad knees in....Funny stuff!

From the d.o.m.
Ms Doreen, It's nice to hear from you, too. How is your son doing?
Thanks for asking d.o.m.

He is doing very well. He has recovered from most of his injuries; but he sadly made the decision to amputate his fing finger that was reattached...it was very painful, and never would be functional. But he is healing nicely from that surgery, and his hand is much more functional now.

And he and his wife are expecting their second child. Life always prevails.

poor monk:
where is the d.o.m now?

From miwuwei:
well,lets hope that as he is well again ,he doesnt get send back to get killed!.....did you not said you had work in such an organization...but maybe only as part of the big burocratic structure around the structure around the structure around the structure...beside that,i worked in psychiatry long time without giving people drugs ,i will not start on my self to cure first my humor,second my precice perception of this weird planet!i will only suck my thumb from time to time out of despear in this black ,black night!(but i can put my fingers in the nose that way too,without anyone notice!)take care!

No, I never served in the military nor worked for the Defense Department or any Intelligence agencies...but I did work for the Treasury Department...and I did have to pass a security clearance for that...was that the confusion?
And right now it looks like my son will not return to Iraq for at least a year...but there are no guarantees.

1)yes 2)too bad!

the d.o.m.:
From miwuwei
"well i should love big brothers...well i do,out of compassion i even kick some crownjewels with my knee!"

Ms Miyuwei,
The crownjewels you mentioned only exist in your imagination. If you attempt to kick them, make sure you won't fall yourself onto the ground and get hurt.

the d.o.m.:
From Master Zen
"no, I would have gladly gone to visit the sex-pot named Hell ................................................................ and then, ONLY after she was completely worn out, I would reveal my plan to let her get all that "evil" sex out of her system so I could talk to her about zen".

Mr MZ, oh no! Mr Ikkyu (new name!),
You sounded like you need another lady Mori.

the d.o.m.:
From Doreen
"And he and his wife are expecting their second child. Life always prevails."

Ms Doreen,
Best wishes!

the d.o.m.:
From fatnhappy
mr lynn ? :)

Oh! Ms fanhappy!

Thank you d.o.m.

the d.o.m.:
From poor monk
"where is the d.o.m now?"

The d.o.m. is making some coffee now.
French style roasted coffee
French style coffee filters.
No French woman here will help to make coffee.
But certainly there'll be "limitless freedom" to drink.

Would you like to have some coffee?

had some. done drinking.

...oh yeah, certainly the d.o.m. made for limitless freedon to drink... cos dom came from the old man & that old man from the young man & so forth since its birth... nevertheless he has never been different nor same... where can he come from...? Perhaps only he can answer it himself... about limitless freedom as he posted himself? He is only there when the tree falls, he should know it whether there is noise or not unless he was already dead before the tree fell... otherwise no-one knowsssssss...

the d.o.m.:
From shayne
had some. done drinking.

Mr Shayne,
You said you're done with it, Right?
Would you like to get back to point?

the d.o.m.:
Mr Lionel,
The d.o.m. is no one,
he is not anything.
How could he has anything to do with all of of what you said?


not running away from emptiness.
accepting emptiness.
no insecurity.
insecure the eyes are closed and fall into slumber.
without the eyes open naturally by themselves and awaken.
no....the point is no pointing.
i see this.

with they eye that sees but does not attach.
with the eye of empty attention.
fearing no where to look.

or more precisely......no grasping.
so the mind stays fresh and clear always.
but i notice this dont i?

okay dom, now your response is clearer with our instant communication or relationship. since i now know you are nothing or not a thing, so be it then. so you are nobody you are no-one you are just like an empty screen with power on such like like you me & him but called yourself dom, naturally i am responsing improperly to the screen. so you came from nowhere nor going to nowhere. you are living like a man who needs only the basic necessity in daily life. perhaps it is the nature of its intelligence... mentally you are empty from any memory (may be have some), as your eye ageing, you are still better than those which don't have such like a grass a tree...? yet how come you are still clear & sharp as ever, MAN...? where & what are you actually then...? Why you ask such a question then? Thank you for any feedback SIR~~~

dom: oh ms.fanhappy! ha ha ha... not surprising.

Being no one and being someone. Hmmm infinitely perplexing. Tell me d.o.m. with which will you drink my tea? ^_^

Now perhaps i come to know a little bit better bcos the so called d.o.m. is at this moment sleeping or resting. Thus he has no eye no ear... no anything... know nothing... However when those six thiefs of his wake up, they would work according to their job function. That moment is where dom comes from... bcos that was the question the moment it arised... Could i make an irrelevant manner here, SIR? Thank you~~~

why do i not get the humor in that statement , lynn , dom ? ms fanhappy?

great,now we have a mummy+ a daddy teaching us manners,what is + what is not!....yawn!

poor monk:
From the d.o.m:
Would you like to have some coffee?

Thank you. It is cold here again today.
A wind that smelled
of ice blew across the park.
I'll sit by the heater, holding
the cup in both hands.

6-10 Chars:
poor monk, I like your language. For real. Look, you make haiku:

park wind smells of ice
coffee drink by heater sit
hold cup in both hands

Sadness and comforting together. For me, that is Zen.

poor monk:
A patch of cold sunlight
warmed by my electric heater.
Perhaps summer lingers.

be carefull for your bill with this electric monster!

look>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you make doo-doo...comforted?

squeeze contents of nappy
as a spent deposit

squeeze contents of nappy
as a spent deposit
illegal tender?

the d.o.m.:
From Helios
Being no one and being someone. Hmmm infinitely perplexing. Tell me d.o.m. with which will you drink my tea? ^_^

Mr Helios,
Your tea smells stale.

the d.o.m.:
From fatnhappy
why do i not get the humor in that statement , lynn , dom ? ms fanhappy?

Have you let Ms FNH go or still hold Ms FNH back with you now?

the d.o.m.:
From poor monk
Thank you.
It is cold here again today.
A wind that smelled of ice blew across the park.
I'll sit by the heater,
holding the cup in both hands.

Mr Poor Monk,
Can your cup hold some more coffee?

the d.o.m.:
Mr Lionel,
The answer is already in your question.

dom i have nothin but loving kindness for you . i still have no clue what you are impling. please speak clearly . or dont speak to me at all thanks . ps there is no ms fnh and never has been . if your speaking metephoricaly humans are a mix of both with only chemicals seperating the mind.

the d.o.m.:
Just kidding you. Nothing serious. Like "Mr Lynn".

poor monk:
From the d.o.m:
Mr Poor Monk,
Can your cup hold some more coffee?

(Draining cup) Of course.
Sometimes I over fill my cup.
It scalds my fingers and stains the carpet.
I always keep a mop to hand.

the d.o.m.:
From poor monk
(Draining cup) Of course.
Sometimes I over fill my cup.
It scalds my fingers and stains the carpet.
I always keep a mop to hand.

This is good, Mr Poor Monk.
Many do not care of cleaning up their own spill.

the d.o.m. & Visitors


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