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how can we improve the safety of minds of people around us,who react badly coz they fear our freedom,without getting too hutchy-couchy sentimentaly flat!/everything is ok/are we not all nice!!!!......arno gruen in his "crazyness of the normal",describes some ways...but i still get sad when i noticed someone stucks in a mousetest labyrinth observing me from this position,if i stick my toe in they will bite,thinking i want to destroy the safe place!

and pray tell, what exactly is a 'safe mind'? And whose idea of a safe mind is this?

one feeling "at home"in his context!

You may ask yourself, "Am I a hypocrite, and self-righteous in other people's eyes, vain, appearing pretentious, and smugly superior?"
That oughta cure something. But you really have to work it from the other side of things. Hope that helps someone, but, you know what's right, as long as you feel in "the" focus of attention, you're not.

Just take another number and sit down. Only the very serious ones get in.

+again the old game...dont show of pain...stay behind....make yourself small...dont annoy others....i wished i could have some sickness YOUR arrogance could feel pitty for...

wood..next time be honest+ call me that way...maybe that makes more sens than to sugest me that i am that!...no i am not....i´m simply asking me questions who seem not to fit your frame of wellbehaving mind!...it must be safe to belong to majority thinking groups!too bad,my father who had been in the hitleryouth forbit me to wear any uniformal tought ever!

whenever i hear of human characteristics or characteristics we place on humanness i feel as though this is me, this is me, this is me. This is not about denial. In my humanness and within the characteristics or boundaries of what this humanness is often percieved as being i have a sense of what these things represent and so I know them? Yet, this is heartache too, as a perception placed, an expectation arises, a limited veiw is formed and i appear to become who these things represent.

Well mic, what are you looking for? What are you looking to give? The majority don't want much to with infectious sick weakened people, because they see themselves there and are in denial. The ego clings to the image of a smooth steady state without any real questions asked seriously, just complaints about the way things were.

your right lynn!it´s more a sadness out of compassion,like looking at flies on the ceilling whoallways flies in very narrow restricted geometrical forms.....despite the free space around them!

wood,do i get you well,are you trying to tell me.big boys dont crys?

Well, that won't cause much tearing.

have you a slightly idea why you want to hurt me?...i have..but YOU,do you?

Was speaking of myself. Let me assure you mic, I harbor no intent to cause you suffering.

For a beginning, I have no standards for your writing style, but can award for originality. Please, don't "try" to please me, just please yourself. To make the most viberant impressions, I tend to respond to descriptions of the natural world around you. Invest little energy in opinion. I want to know just how we create our own reality. This, is what is fluid, and capable of instilling the greatest sense of liberation and identification with the ultimate.


ok, better so!...trallalla!...allright!bises!

the d.o.m.:
From miwuwei
how can we improve the safety of minds of people around us,who react badly coz they fear our freedom,without getting too hutchy-couchy sentimentaly flat!/everything is ok/are we not all nice!!!!......arno gruen in his "crazyness of the normal",describes some ways...but i still get sad when i noticed someone stucks in a mousetest labyrinth observing me from this position,if i stick my toe in they will bite,thinking i want to destroy the safe place!

Ms Miyuwei,
You are wearing your Arno Gruen sunglasses to look at other people and asking the question "how can we improve the safety of minds of people around us...". Right?

People here already know the answer you gave before you put up this question. It was like this: Just release the obsession for sex pleasure run out without limit, then they will feel freedom without limit. Right?

If just so, the people around here already show how much they knew about it and applied to their life, because most of men and women have been here are married and having children or at leat having girlfriend or boyfriend. There is no need of such talks like that all day-n-night long. Many of them whose children are adults and they know what you have been talking about at least as well as you do. Therefore, the d.o.m. thinks that it would be better if you keep what got for yourself or you can find other people who have the same interests with yours at somewhere else and you can get together and talk or do whatever you like. You have come here day-n-night and wasted your time in vain and got bad feeling for yourself and others.

People here do not need the kind of freedom you have been trying to propagate so far - because thay already have it - and they already show it on this board.

"people here already know the answer..." no, I did n't know this.

Oh wise up Lynn, ya did too.

oh.....,see!!!! where there mind sticks!....

interesting dom that sex was the only you noticed at me.....no,that was not the freedom i speaked about!(i dont exclude it out either,but meant it more generaly!)!well,i think your comment to want me out tells more about your concept than about me!seems you come into a dangerous age!(specialy if you meant sex was there to make kids only!fancy one ya´!)uhhhhh....its getting dangerous around you,but...still very flat(did i say flat!)!lol

Visitors & the d.o.m. 11/20/2004


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