Posted on Mar.22.2009 @ 08:53AM EDT by chontri
The third living truth is also called "The Sufferring Uprooting Truth" which means when looking around and seeing the root of all beings' suffering - where the root is and what it is, then the determination to uproot it is set and do it.
Where and what is the root of suffering? It is within every beings as the twelve links (nidanas): 1. ignorance (avidya); 2. action, activity, conception (samskara); 3. consciousness (vijnana); 4. name and form (namarupa); 5. the six sense organs i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind (sadayatana); 6. contact, touch (sparsa); 7. sensation, feeling (vedana); 8. thirst, desire, craving (trsna); 9. grasping, laying hold of (upadana); 10. being, existing (bhava); 11. birth (jati); 12. old age, death (jaramarana).
Can we breakthrough at any link of this chain?
Note: Here is one of the ways in which the twelve links work in a being:
Ignorance conditions action, action conditions consciouness, consciousness conditions name and form, name and form condition the six sense bases, the six sense bases condition contact, contact conditions sensation, sensation conditions desire, desire conditions grasping, grasping conditions existing, existing conditions birth, birth conditions old age, death.
ChonTri 03/22/2009
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