The master Bankei's talks were attended not only by Zen students but by persons of all ranks and sects. He never quoted sutras not indulged in scholastic dissertations. Instead, his words were spoken directly from his heart to the hearts of...
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STORIES, BOOKS & MEDIA » koans, stories & words» zen readings» recommended books» book reviews» art & prints» audio, videos, DVD's A PATH TO ZEN GATE
One day, a monk traveled into the mountain where Gensha Shibi resided to see the Zen master and study Zen with him. The monk said to Gensha: -I am a new comer, please be kind to tell me where I can enter the Zen gate. Gensha asked: -On the path you came here, you passed a brook, didn't you? The monk replied: -Yes, I did. Gensha asked again: -You heard the sound of running water, didn't you? The monk answered: -Yes, I did. Gensha said: -At the place where you heard the sound of running water is the path leading to the Zen gate.
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