At Savatthi. Then the Venerable Suradha approached the Buddha...and said to him:
"Venerable sir, how should one know, how should one see so that, in regard to this body with consciousness and in regard to all external signs, the...
One day when Fa-yen Wen-i (885-958), one of the well known Chinese Ch'an masters, has ascended his seat. From the assembly, a monk came out and asked: -What is one drop of water from the fount of Tsao-ch'i? Fa-yen repied: -It's one drop of water from the fount of Tsao-ch'i. The monk was dumbfound and withdrewn. At the time, Te-shao, who was also in the assembly, was suddenly greatly awakened when heard those words. He then presented Fa-yen the following verse:
"The summit of the peak of the mystic passover Is not the human world; Outside the mind, there are no things- The eyes are filled with blue mountains."
Fa-yen gave him his seal and approval, and said: "This one verse alone can sustain my school. In the future, kings will honor you. I am not equal to you."
Later, Te-shao appeared in the world as one of Fa-yen's successors, and was made as a National Teacher by a king who had been a prince-student of Te-shao.
......... Tsao-ch'i: referred where the Sith Patriarch Hui-neng resided, here meant Hui-neng's Ch'an.
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