Posted on Aug.08.2009 @ 10:58PM EDT by chontri
What, monks, is the world? The eye and shapes, the ear and sounds,
the nose and smells, the tongue and tastes, the body and tactile objects,
the mind and mental objects - these...
Phap Hien was a Vietnamese Zen master. He lived in the late 5th century and early the 6th century. When he was a young monk at the Phap Van Temple he met Vinitaruci (?-594) who was one of the successors of Seng-tsan, the Third Patriarch of the Chinese Ch'an. Vinitaruci was from South India and met the Patriarch Seng-tsan in China. He then came to Vietnam from China. Vinitaruci asked Phap Hien: -What is your last name Phap Hien asked back: -What is your last name, Sir? Vinitaruci then asked again: -Don't you have your last name? Phap Hien replied: -Yes, I have, but how do you know? Vinitaruci asked back: -What is to know for? Phap Hien suddenly was awakened and did prostration. Vinitaruci gave his seal approval to him and he became Vinitaruci's successor and he was the only one of the first generation of the lineage. Vinitaruci was the First Patriarch of the first lineage of Zen in Vietnam, the Vinitaruci lineage.
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