If you want fresh air and light for your body and mind, just go to some beautiful natural scenes, breathe the air and drink the light and let them permeat you all.
If you feel your heart empty and lonely and want a man or a woman for yourself, there are a lot of great handsome princes and exquisite princesses on this earth; just make a tour and pick up one who fits you best.
If you want beautiful dresses, diamonds, jewlry, and perfumes... there are a lot and a lots of them sold in the department stores around the world, just get there and buy as many as you want. [A little note: Work and make money on your own. Do not be a bank robber! :-)]
If you want good food, good drink, just go to the grocery stores and buy as many as you need or go to some restaurant and eat and drink what are your favorate and keep you in good shape.
If you want to update your knowledge and skills, just go to some school or colledge or university.
If you want to fill up your mind or soul, just go to some church or temple and have some nun or monk there perform some miracles for it.
If you are seeking yourself, then yourself is right there with you all the time. It is the one who is seeking. Why do you seek it? If you do so, it would be the seeker is seeking himself. This is really strange, isn't it?
So, please be advised: Stop seeking anything which does not exist on this earth. If you do so, you are creating conflicts, duality in yourself, then you get anxiety, sorrow, pain, suffering, and the rest of it... and only waste your time and life in vain. When you actually stop seeking, everything will be clear and pure as it is from the beginninglessness.
ChonTri 10/21/03
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