A student asked:
-For all the different people who have come to listen to your words, please tell us about the way you have found and know.
The Buddha answered:
-When you take things it is because of a thirst, a clinging...
Posted on Sep.11.2009 @ 10:04PM EDT by chontri
Once the brahmin Janussoni approached the Buddha... and spoke to him thus:
"It is said, Master Gotama, 'Nibbana is directly visible.' In what way, Master Gotama, is Nibbana directly visible, immediate, inviting one to come and see, worthy of application, to be personally experienced by the wise?"
"When, brahmin, a person is impassioned with lust...depraved through hatred... bewildered through delusion, overwhelmed and infatuated by delusion, then he plans for his own harm, for the harm of others, for the harm of both; and he experiences in his mind suffering and grief. But when lust, hatred and delusion have been abandoned, he neither plans for his own harm, nor for the harm of others, nor for the harm of both; and he does not experience in his mind suffering and grief. In this way, brahmin, Nibbana is directly visible, immediate, inviting one to come and see, worthy of application, to be personally experienced by the wise. Since he experiences the complete destruction of lust,hatred, and delusion, in this way, brahmin, Nibbana is driectly visible, immediate, inviting one to come and see, worthy of application, to be personally experienced by the wise."
From the "Anguttara Nikaya" of the Buddha translated by Nyanaponika & Bhikkhu Bodhi
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