One day a girl in geisha house hailed the Japanese Zen master Mokudo by name. He went inside and discovered that the girl was a childhood acquaintance. The crops had failed one year in their village, and she had become a courtesan...
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STORIES, BOOKS & MEDIA » koans, stories & words» zen readings» recommended books» book reviews» art & prints» audio, videos, DVD's WHEN THE BUDDHA USED A LITTLE STICK
One day when the Buddha was sitting on grasses in a grove, a little deer came about very close to him and showed its friendliness. The Buddha first was> dearly to the little deer a little bit, then he grasped a little stick next to him and suddenly gave the little deer a little hard hit at its butt. The little deer got hit, scared, and running off as fast as it could. The Buddha then said: "Little dear, I just didn't want you to get killed by a hunter."
ChonTri 01/16/2011
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