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  Once upon a time, in a certain town there was a coffin maker who opened and was running a store where he sold the coffins he made himself to the customers in the neighborhood. The popuplation in the town increased day-by-day.

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There are 1353 guestbook entries.
 1121  Mike K. from Rockford, Il found this site through a search engine (ask.com) 10.18.2000  
  The last 2 years have been tough for me. My father has had cancer and other devastating illnesses and I lost my job for over six months. I was also diagnosed with diabetes. With all my spare time, I stumbled on Surya Das' book "Awakening to the Sacred" and I felt so peaceful reading it. I then sought out other books on this subject. This is the first Zen website I've seen. I looked at many philosophies and ways of meditation but Zen seems to speak to me most of all. I am always learning,always striving but there is nothing really to attain. The search itself is the goal.

 1122  Dana from Brisbane, Australia found this site through a search engine (Netscape ) 10.15.2000  
  A very easy site to navigate, very informative for someone like me who has an interest in Buddism and Zen philosophies but (up until now) knows very little about this subject. I'll be continuing my research - and will bookmark this site.

 1123  Seb Rogers from Portsmouth - England found this site through a search engine (altavista) 10.10.2000  
  I am 17 and am deeply concerned with the ideas Buddhism raises.

URL: altavista

 1124  Joel López Corona from Tijuana B.C. México found this site through a search engine 10.10.2000  
  I would like to know if there is a place where I can know something more in the San Diego Ca. area

 1125  Mel from found this site through a search engine 10.07.2000  

 1126  tone from philippines found this site through a search engine (yahoo) 10.05.2000  
  may this site bridge me to the other shore.

 1127  john from wigan, lancashire, u.k. found this site through a search engine (freeserve) 10.05.2000  
  Found zen through a book of koans, (365zen edited by jean smith) read it under a tree by derwenwater in the english lake district. left me wanting to know more!

This site is helping to build a foundation of understanding for me, glad to have found it!

 1128  Sarvesh from India presently in US found this site through a search engine (www.google.com) 10.02.2000  
  Excellent site! Keep it up. Add some Jataka Tales. May Buddha bless your life.

 1129  David Schlesinger from San Diego found this site through a search engine 10.01.2000  
  I can't find any faults with your page, it is one of the best I have ever seen, and of course the subject matter is beautiful......okay, one thing....what about the five moral precepts of the Buddha? Are they part of Zen?

 1130  devon from los angeles found this site through a personal referral (aol chat room) 09.29.2000  
  I'm searching for truth and spirituality and greatly appreciate this site and the informatin you've given me. Thank you.

 1131  costas from romania found this site through a search engine (zen romania) 09.28.2000  
  i want to know where is a zen center in romania

 1132  kim from chicago found this site through a search engine 09.28.2000  
  stopped in for a look around and now it will be one of my favorite places

 1133  Jessie Jimenez from I live in Bakersfield, CA but I'm going to college found this site through a search engine (yahoo's search engine) 09.28.2000  
  This site is very helpful in helping to understand Zen Buddhism a little bit further.

URL: none

 1134  Jen27here from MN found this site through a personal referral (Ldycait99) 09.25.2000  
  did this first

 1135  Regina Johnson from Sunnyvale, CA found this site through other (a magazine called "Cybersocket") 09.21.2000  
  I would like to know if there are any Buddhism in my area. I'm really interested in it and would like to join. Thanks, Regina

 1136  Trysha from Roanoke Va found this site through a personal referral (my history teacher) 09.17.2000  
  This is a really neat site. It has lots of information and it actually makes it intresting.

URL: Trysha's Place

 1137  Mark McWilliams from Chicago found this site through other (magazine) 09.16.2000  
  Just passing through taking a look keep me up to date with changes

 1138  heidi from new york found this site through a search engine (msn) 09.16.2000  
  thank you so much for providing all this info. i had to write a paper on a religion of my choice, and i've always found buddhism fascinating.

URL: visit if you know what cty is

 1139  Tara O'Leary from San Francisco found this site through a link from another site (Kait Philbin) 09.16.2000  
  Great page

 1140  Cedric from Singapore found this site through a search engine (Google) 09.15.2000  
  This is a great site. It is simple and concise. Yet, it is able to bring out the very enlightening concepts of the 4 noble truths and the eightfold paths very well.

I enjoyed "the concepts" section to most. Your site has sparkled my interest in Zen and meditation. Thanks!


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