1201 |
kari hoffman
from colorado
found this site through a search engine
(yahoo search)
05.16.2000 |
cool site. you should focus on Zen psychology. i looked you up cuz i'm looking for info on that for a class project. c-ya, kari
1202 |
from London
found this site through a search engine
05.13.2000 |
It is but a long journey to the truth... but the first step is always the hardest
URL: Surinders World of Wisdom
1203 |
Brad Jenkins
from Chico, CA
found this site through a search engine
05.11.2000 |
peace out
1204 |
Lynne Watson
from Bath Uk
found this site through a search engine
05.10.2000 |
i am in some need of some quotes on "Yugen". Could you please help me? I will then tell you what I think.
1205 |
from Pennsylvania
found this site through a personal referral
05.09.2000 |
Thank you for offering this sight online. I will check in often to learn more.
1206 |
yolande' w.
found this site through a search engine
05.08.2000 |
thank you for having this site. i am new to buddhism. i found your site to be most interesting and full of the background information that a new prospect to the buddhist philosophy needs.
1207 |
from uk
found this site through a search engine
05.06.2000 |
Found your site whilst searching for buddhism info, very impressed has a nice feel to it. Shall return again.
URL: e-bubble
1208 |
john gray
from joplin, missouri
found this site through a search engine
05.04.2000 |
Love this site.. you have worked very long and hard on this excellent web page. You have truly chopped the wood and carried the water.
1209 |
Paul Fraser
from Scotland
found this site through a search engine
05.03.2000 |
Excellent concise presentation delivered in an easy to understand way. I look forward to visisting your site in the future.
1210 |
from Scotland, UK
found this site through a search engine
05.03.2000 |
Nice one! Any good books you can recommend?
1211 |
Yvonne Santoro
from New Jersey
found this site through a search engine
04.27.2000 |
This is truly my first attempt at discovering Buddhism anden. I will have to visit other site to make a comparision. However, your organization is clear and easy to follow. I was able to comprehend much of what I read. Thanks Yvonne
1212 |
Amber Sanders
from Ok
found this site through a search engine
04.25.2000 |
want to know more if this is mainly learned by time or just through experiences?
1213 |
found this site through a search engine
04.23.2000 |
Refreshing site.
1214 |
Gabriel West
from Chicago
found this site through a search engine
04.22.2000 |
Good Day, I am very interested in furthering my studies of Buddhism. I would appreciate any/all insights for beginners. Thank you, GDWest
1215 |
Bill "RJ" Hayward
from Calgary, AB
found this site through a search engine
04.21.2000 |
I like it. Keep up the good work. I'm just starting my..quest.
1216 |
found this site through a search engine
04.21.2000 |
i have always been in Zen thought and teachings since i was very young and first read about it.
1217 |
greg lawes
from australia
found this site through a search engine
04.20.2000 |
Am currently reading "Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance" by Robert M Pirsig. It got me interested to look up Zen on the Internet. I don't understand it but am trying to. I'm still searching for enlightenment - maybe oneday I'll find it.
1218 |
found this site through a search engine
04.14.2000 |
It is a well pillared beleif of mine that we are products of our enviroment, because when we experience certain things in our enviroment we retain knowledge and emotion of it hence, changing our feelings and judgments.That is also a major reason why we are different. so in other words, our memory is us. so if we were to erase our memory we would be totally different people. But according to buddhism when we are "reincarnated" we` have no memory of our "prior life", therefore in our new life we totally different people hence proving death and human human extinction. But in your religion the person IN the "new life" is refered to as the same person. which not true. The way see ( which has been proven through logic) is that your religion asks full righteousness for the sake of someone elses prosperity. Someone we do not know. I will not waste my time. Please note that I only say this on the behalf and for the sake of reason.
1219 |
found this site through a search engine
04.13.2000 |
In the philosophy section, you spell "hypocracy" wrong it is spelled h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.
1220 |
found this site through a search engine
04.13.2000 |
Buddhism makes no sense, it asks full rightsneousnes but does specify what is right.It also says you should get to nirvana, but in order to do that you have to eliminate desire, but in that proccess are not you desiring nirvana, hence making enlightenment impossible. And a nother thing. It asks one to give up all possessions, but by doing that you would create and obstacle for one who would want to do the same.