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  One should not imagine oneself to be one with the eye or
independent of it or the owner of it.
The same with ear and all the other senses, including the mind.
Nor should one imagine oneself to be identical with the world or
contained... continue...

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There are 1353 guestbook entries.
 1321  Chad Prey from Boston MA found this site through a link from another site (From Roger Garin-Michaud) 09.14.1999  
  Beautiful web page...I would love to be able to develop like this. Been practicing the dharma for a couple of years now and trying to find a teacher. Pema Chondron is 200 miles away, might be close enough for me though. I find the mayahana school to be the most fullfilling; esp. tonglen practice. Thanks for the resource; metta.


 1322  Jay Rubin from Oakland found this site through a link from another site (Yahoo) 09.14.1999  
  Very Classy sight. As an English teacher, I must point out a misspelling. Up above, you've written "time and patient" rather that "patience." Otherwise, A+ !

 1323  Chris Farmer from Des Moines, IA found this site through a search engine (Yahoo) 09.07.1999  
  I have been searching for religion for a few years now, as I have been Agnostic, but as I learn more about Buddhism, I am seeing it is what I have believed in all this time..

 1324  Jan from found this site through a search engine (Netscape) 09.05.1999  
  I enjoyed the content and design of your website. However, there are many mis-spellings and some grammar errors so you may wish to correct these. I look forward to visiting your website again, Thank you.

 1325  Stefano from Italy found this site through a personal referral 08.30.1999  
  Thank you

 1326  Jim Cannon from Earth, I suspect. found this site through a search engine 08.30.1999  
  "say what you mean, mean what you say, and shut up" --child's comment

 1327  Michael Limer from Clarksburg, WV found this site through a personal referral (A friend suggested I may be interested in this sit) 08.28.1999  
  I think your site is well-done & informative. I have just recently began exploring Buddhism & feel this will be a good resource for me.


 1328  GSG from Originally from India, but now living in Lake City found this site through a search engine (www.refdesk.com) 08.28.1999  
  My homepage, though it pretends to go into love and all that, has links that take one to ADVAITA, which is, in essence, practically the same as Buddhism and Zen.

The pages will describe my practical experience of Advaita as well as miracles that have occurred in my life. I'm now seventy.

Your site is marvelously designed, I wish I had your Web designing knowledge and skill.

I did not find a list of other Eastern philosophies in your site. Did I miss something.

Thank you for a beautifully crafted Web site devoted to the greatest teaching the East has to offer the West.

"Look eastward for wisdom" - that is still true.

Best regards, Sincerely, GSG

URL: Heart, eyes, love, astrology & sex - Lovescope & L

 1329  susan kulakowski from new york, new york found this site through a search engine (sunsite.berkeley.edu/internetindex) 08.28.1999  
  you've written a lovely site.

 1330  Chris Hayes from Malta, Europe found this site through a search engine 08.26.1999  
  Have'nt been thru the site as yet but will revert when I have!!

 1331  Maureen from Brooklyn, NY found this site through a link from another site 08.24.1999  
  Very enlighting

 1332  aleksa radan from hamilton, ontario canada found this site through a link from another site 08.24.1999  
  pleasing site to find. much information is still lacking but will hopefully grow in future years. please consider updating the zen-organizations list by obtaining a book copy of zen-centers in america and highlighting some of the major centers (many of which are not mentioned on your page)

 1333  Beth Ilyssa Tischler from Philadelphia, PA found this site through a link from another site (4religion.com) 08.20.1999  
  i am seriously looking into Buddhism as a new life choice. i would appreciate any information you may have, or any info in the philadelphia area that i could get to. thanks a lot.

 1334  Dale Percival from Australia found this site through a search engine 08.19.1999  
  First concious step on may way to a better place.

 1335  steve from uk found this site through a search engine (yahoo) 08.15.1999  
  the piece which opens on suffering I have newly realized as I worked through grief in my "Morning Pages"

 1336  Carina from KL found this site through a search engine 08.12.1999  
  Get more information n thank you 4 your information about buddha.

 1337  Line from sweden found this site through a link from another site 08.12.1999  
  incondictus anima says: "he who seak he'll find"

 1338  Daniel from many places. found this site through a search engine (Yahoo) 08.11.1999  
  Very elegant, and very informative. Thank you for this excellent website. Indeed a Right Action...


 1339  wayne from The world. found this site through a search engine (lycos) 08.09.1999  
  Did not have any comments yet.

 1340  manish from found this site through a search engine 08.07.1999  
  new user


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