Once upon a time, in a certain town there was a coffin maker who opened and was running a store where he sold the coffins he made himself to the customers in the neighborhood. The popuplation in the town increased day-by-day.
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He who perceives kensho as kensho, satori as satori, a part as a part, the One as the One, etc... Having perceived kensho as kensho, satori as satori, a part as a part, the One as the One, ect..., he conceives himself as kensho, himself as satori, himself as the part, himself as the One, ect..., he conceives kensho to be his, satori to be his, the part to be his, the One to be his, he delights in kensho, he delights in satori, he delights in the part, he delights in the One, etc... Why is that? Because he has not fully understood it.
(Adapted from "Majjhima Nikaya" of the Buddha)
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