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Saturday Feb 08 2025 12:06PM ET
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  One day when Fa-yen Wen-i (885-958), one of the well known Chinese Ch'an masters,
has ascended his seat. From the assembly, a monk came out and asked:
-What is one drop of water from the fount of Tsao-ch'i?
Fa-yen repied:
-It's... continue...

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There are 1353 guestbook entries.
 121  sand y from houston texas usa found this site through other (serendipity when no not what doin...) 04.06.2006  
  someone once asked me,

 122  thepoet from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada found this site through a link from another site 03.21.2006  
  Although I was baptized in a Greek Orthodox church, Buddhism - especially ZEN Buddhism - fascinates me. Buddhism is a way of life. It allows us to find the GOD deep within our heart. Self enlightenment should be every person's ultimate End in life, because ignorance is humanity's worst crime.

 123  John from Wigan, England found this site through a search engine 02.21.2006  
  It's been a long time since I returned from the forest with pockets full of rotten twigs. Oh how Chon Tri laughed, I would like to share tea with him again.

 124  Hyunjin from Korea found this site through a search engine 02.21.2006  
  Hello! I'm a Contents Manager of website of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.

2 weeks ago, We opend a new Korean Zen(Korean Seon, Ganhwaseon)site. If you are interested in Korean Zen, please visit our site.

URL is http://www.koreanbuddhism.net!

Sorry for PR^^.

 125  MArk from Calgary, Canada found this site through a search engine (yahoo) 02.14.2006  
  As someone just becoming enlightened to the way of Buddha, and the zen teachings, I can tell you that I find your site invaluable. I look forward to my own path of enlightenment, and I know that your site is a tool I will refer to often. Thank you!

 126  Sarah from USA found this site through 02.05.2006  
  Why don´t you add some information about your history??? I´d like to know about it!

 127  sorila from UK found this site through a search engine (google) 02.04.2006  
  Check out this Buddhism website. It has interesting articles.


 128  Japangirl from LA, USA found this site through 01.25.2006  
  hiii! very good site, productive, hehehe.. thank you guys for all the help, you are the best byeee!

 129  Steph from Southern California found this site through a search engine (Google) 01.15.2006  
  I have always been very intrigued by Zen Buddhism and this was a great website for me, as a starter. It covered almost everything I was interested in and wanted to know- history behind Buddha, principles of buddhism, practicies, meditation, etc. After looking through the whole website, many of my questions have been answered and I'm really excited to start delving into this newly found, and absolutely fasinating, religion. =]

 130  Tim from Iraq found this site through a search engine (Google) 01.13.2006  
  This site has given me a good start at answering some questions that have arisen in my life, and especially while serving in the military.

 131  Pete from UK found this site through a search engine 01.06.2006  
  Congratulations on such a well presented and informative site. (http://www.buddhabrilliant.com)

 132  Imreld found this site through 12.27.2005  
  Awesome! Learned a lot

 133  Derek from Bristol U.K. found this site through a search engine (google) 12.08.2005  
  As a peek for the first time into Zen I found the site infrmative and fascinating.

 134  nicolas from mexico, DF found this site through 10.27.2005  
  well i have to say, that your web is awesome!! really impresive and contundent, simple but really cool designed, really well managed the artwork... cool man :D

 135  Kitty found this site through a search engine (google) 10.24.2005  
  Student for life ;)

 136  Tony from Industry, CA, USA found this site through a search engine (google) 10.24.2005  

 137  charols from taiwan found this site through a search engine (google) 10.19.2005  
  Nice site! Keep up the good work! Best whishes. My name is Shirley. I think that you've got a very interesting website with great and usefull information. thanx.

 138  John found this site through a search engine (Google) 10.16.2005  
  This is a great site.

 139  BBB from Beirut, Lebanon found this site through a search engine (www.google.com) 10.14.2005  
  hello, i love this site a lot. Great designs and very amazing infos. You mentioned that the book of

 140  Sir Seekin from NY, USA found this site through a search engine 08.23.2005  
  Buddha rocks!


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