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Friday Jul 26 2024 08:26PM ET
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  When a monk came to say good bye to Chao-chou Tsung-shen (778-897), a brilliant Chinese Ch'an master.
Chao-chou asked:
-Where will you go?
The monk answered:
-Any place where I can learn Buddha dharma.
Chao-chou stood... continue...

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There are 1353 guestbook entries.
 141  ds from Norwich Norfolk found this site through a search engine (google) 08.21.2005  
  Great website, very informative, good layout and graphics. Keep up the good work

 142  DJFilth from The Road found this site through other (Google) 08.18.2005  
  I'm very happy to have found this excellent site.

 143  Komeng from Denpasar,bali ,indonesia found this site through 08.15.2005  
  I live in Bali – Indonesia and really like your website. Thanks for the good information and entertainment. Keep up this great resource.

 144  Scott from Virginia found this site through a search engine 08.14.2005  
  I have been trying to find out more about buhdissme for sometime. The internet resources I found before this were just not in depth enhough. Thanks !

 145  Nice Guy found this site through other (Engine) 08.13.2005  
  Zan Guide is for .....?

 146  Ricardo from Argentina found this site through a search engine (google) 08.12.2005  
  Es un buen sitio, I like it

 147  Nice Guy from Kentuky found this site through other 07.30.2005  
  I'm so nice I'll give you 5 stars for this site.

 148  hharlow76 from Altoona, PA USA found this site through a search engine (goggle) 07.29.2005  
  I just wanted to thank you for this information. I hope it can help me with my understanding of life.

 149  Alex from Spain found this site through a search engine (google) 07.26.2005  
  Nice site! With very usefull information a definite bookmark! :)

 150  intzen from japan found this site through a search engine (yahoo) 07.26.2005  
  I have always been interested with zen and today I foolwed my intuition and I found your site. thank you your site is very helpful.

 151  John Ashbe from New York found this site through a search engine (google.) 07.20.2005  
  And the Stars Were Shining


It was the solstice, and it was jumping on you like a friendly dog. The stars were still out in the field, and the child prostitutes plied their trade, the only happy ones, having learned how unhappiness sticks and will not risk being traded in for a song or a balloon. Christmas decorations were getting crumpled in offices by staffers slumped at their video terminals, and dismay articulated otherness in orphan asylums where the coffee percolates eternally, and God is not light but God, as mysterious to Himself as we are to Him.


 152  Tony from USA found this site through a search engine (Google) 07.15.2005  
  Thanks for providing such a great site for us all!

 153  rschwar from Fayetteville, AR for now found this site through a search engine (googled Zen Buddhism) 07.09.2005  
  Thank you for making the info accessible in an easy to navigate format -- path of least resistance.

 154  jaen found this site through 07.09.2005  
  good site!

 155  artur found this site through 07.06.2005  
  I think You can do more, dut this site is not bad also.

 156  Kevin from Singapore found this site through a link from another site (nothing) 07.03.2005  
  Refreshing my mind

 157  Tom Warner from Fort Payne, Alabama found this site through a search engine 06.23.2005  
  The sound of one hand clapping

 158  Mark from York found this site through a link from another site 06.22.2005  
  Lucid Dreams every night, this thing is blowing my mind, just spreadin the word,


 159  Rumahweb from Yogyakarta, DIY, Indonesia found this site through a search engine 06.22.2005  
  I love your site! Keep up the good work.

 160  Nitin from New Delhi, India found this site through a link from another site (Yahoo search) 06.17.2005  
  The more I learn, the less I know. the less I know, the more I learn. I think it is time for me to give up learning and unlearing. For nothing can be learned and nothing can be unlearned.

This thought came to me when I went through this website.


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