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  Ta-mei Fa-chang (752-839) was a Chinese Ch'an master. After he got awakened under
the Great master Ma-tsu Tao-i (709-788), he went to the Ta-mei mountain and resided there.
One day there was a traveling monk who got lost in the Ta-mei... continue...

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There are 1353 guestbook entries.
 61  Jonathan from de found this site through a search engine 11.05.2008  
  Pls. visit our site about security for webmasters.

 62  Jonathan from de found this site through a search engine 11.05.2008  
  Pls. visit our site about security for webmasters.

 63  alewisp3 from Romoland, CA found this site through a search engine 10.08.2008  
  This is a wonderful site. I am just beginning my journey and this site has been a Godsend. THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness and compassion.

 64  Inner Voice Designs found this site through a link from another site 09.22.2008  
  I wish you all Peace and Happiness

Kelly http://www.innervoicedesigns.com

 65  muzibmehdy from Dhaka, Bangladesh found this site through a search engine (google.com) 08.26.2008  
  It is nice to get this site. I am interested to zen through zen koan. I have been trying to translate some zen stories into Bangla since 2007. Hope this site help me to know zen and related topics.

 66  IZIZIZ from Melbourne, Australia found this site through a search engine 07.29.2008  
  Hello one and all. I'm Steve from Melbourne. Very happy to have found this site. Always good to have Zen Chat. Consider myself to be a Zenist. Do not consider Zen to be Buddhism(with respect).Sword of the spirit, not the spirit of the sword.

 67  helend from Athens, AL, USA found this site through a search engine (Google) 07.12.2008  
  So grateful to have found this site. Thank you...

 68  mika-san found this site through a search engine 07.06.2008  
  Greetings!! I am interested in discussion with anyone knowledgeable about Japan today. I seek to meet at a convenient time and place with zen-monks from Japan.

 69  Alex from Naperville, Illinois found this site through a search engine (Google) 06.23.2008  
  This site is really neat. Love the RSS Feeds! It is a very calming and beautiful experience reading these teachings.

 70  C Garrett from US found this site through a search engine (Google) 05.31.2008  
  www.buddhalama.com Spiritual Enlightenment.

 71  rustle found this site through other 05.20.2008  

 72  YokiPe found this site through a search engine (Google) 05.09.2008  
  Much gratitude to you for presenting this site to the world.......

 73  dmaske from Canada found this site through a search engine 04.19.2008  
  Hello! Nice site You have here. You have had to put so much time to build such a great site! Thanks! DO YOU ENJOY...??? For the answer you have to go to my web side!

 74  Sergey4567 from USA found this site through a link from another site (bad credit loan mortgage) 04.17.2008  
  This wonderful site, is worth dropping a line in your guestbook to say thanks!

 75  vodukid found this site through a search engine 04.09.2008  
  Compassion is the first step to wisdom. There is a lot of compassion on this website.

 76  Allen from Alpharetta, GA USA found this site through a search engine (google) 03.18.2008  
  Thank you for the valuable information.

 77  Vex2Zen from Rockford, IL. found this site through a search engine (ZENGUIDE.COM) 03.14.2008  
  I found the four noble truths to be peaceful and enlightening. I look forward to reading and researching the Buddhist beliefs.

 78  Maria P-D from Plantation, Florida found this site through a search engine (www.ask.com) 02.26.2008  
  What a wonderful resource! I look forward to spending many hours learning from it. Thank you!

 79  peridot from brantford, ontario found this site through a search engine (gogo) 02.25.2008  

 80  tmckinley from smalltown Iowa found this site through a search engine 02.09.2008  
  I have wanted to learn about Buddhism for a long time. I really haven't found any other source of religeon that meshes with me. I am glad I found this site.


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