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Select a Letter » A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. All
acariya - teacher.
acharya - refer to: acariya.
adharma - not having a religion.
adhitthana - decision, resolution, self determination, will.
ajahn - refer to: acariya.
akusala - unwholesome, demerit, wrong, bad, evil.
Amitabha Buddha - The merciful and wisdom-full Buddha.
Anagami - a Non-returner, the third stage in the realization of Nibbana .
anapanasati - mindfulness of in and out breathing.
Anathapindika's Grove - Jeta grove, site of a monastery built for the history Buddha my Anathapindika.
anatta - not self, Egolessness.
anicca - impermanence.
annuttara samyak sambodhi - perfection of complete enlightment .
Arahant - The worthy one.
Arahat - refer to: Arahant.
arammana - sense objects, and object of consciousness (in Thai: ood, temper, emotion).
ariya - noble: 1. The Sublime Path of the Hole life 2. Ariya atthaangika magga, The Noble Eightfold Path.
ariya dana - the sublime or noble treasure.
ariya phala - fruition: 1. Sota patti phala, fruition of stream entry 2. Sakadagamiphala, fruition of once returning 3. Anagami phala, fruition of non returning 4 Arahatta phala, fruition of the worthy one or perfected one.
Ariya Sacca - Noble Truth.
asava - mental intoxication, defilement.
asura - demon, evil spirit.
Atta - Self, Ego.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva - great limitless compassionate one.
avijja - ignorance, nescience, not knowing better, delusion.

The glossary of zen and buddhism terms are gathered from the following authorized sources:
1. The Venerable Ajahn Sanong Katapunyo of Wat Sanghathan and the translation/editing of the Thai by Fuengsin Trafford and Simon Romer.
2. Steven Newton - Portland Zen Community (source "Glossary of Japanese Zen Terms" - Stan Rosenthal)


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