Posted on Aug.10.2009 @ 11:40PM EDT by chontri
Accept my words only when you have examined them for yourselves;
do not accept them simply because of the reverence you have for me.
Those who only have faith in me and affection...
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、參須實參、悟須實悟。
Study should be real study, enlightenment should be real enlightenment. 者箇胡子、直須親見一回始得。
You should once meet this barbarian directly to be really intimate with him. 説親見、早成兩箇。
But saying you are really intimate with him already divides you into two.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Don't discuss your dream
Before a fool.
Barbarian with no beard
Obscures the clarity.