THE GATELESS GATE - Chapter 12. Zuigan Calls His Master
十二 巖喚主人 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 瑞巖彦和尚、毎日自喚主人公、復自應諾。
Zuigan Gen Osho called to himself every day, "Master!" and answered, "Yes, sir!" 乃云、惺惺着。□。
Then he would say, "Be wide awake!" and answer, "Yes, sir!" 他時異日、莫受人瞞。□□。
"Henceforward, never be deceived by others!" "No, I won't!"
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、瑞巖老子、自買自賣、弄出許多神頭鬼面。
Old Zuigan buys and sells himself. He takes out a lot of god-masks and devil-masks and puts them on and plays with them. 何故。
What for, eh? 一箇喚底、一箇應底。 一箇惺惺底、一箇不受人瞞底。
One calling and the other answering; one wide awake, the other saying he will never be deceived. 認着依前還不是。
If you stick to any of them, you will be a failure. 若也傚他、惣是野狐見解。
If you imitate Zuigan, you will play the fox.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Clinging to the deluded way of consciousness,
Students of the Way do not realize truth.
The seed of birth and death through endless eons:
The fool calls it the true original self.