One day a Vinaya master asked a Zen master:
-How should one practice Tao?
The Zen master replied:
-Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired.
The Vinaya master said:
-Most people do that.
The Zen master...
七 趙州洗鉢 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 趙州、因僧問、其甲乍入叢林。
A monk said to Joshu, "I have just entered this monastery. 乞師指示。
Please teach me." 州云、喫粥了也未。
"Have you eaten your rice porridge?" asked Joshu. 僧云、喫粥了也。
"Yes, I have," replied the monk. 州云、洗鉢盂去。
"Then you had better wash your bowl," said Joshu. 其僧有省。
With this the monk gained insight.
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、趙州開口見膽、露出心肝。
When he opens his mouth, Joshu shows his gallbladder. He displays his heart and liver. 者僧聽事不眞、喚鐘作甕。
I wonder if this monk really did hear the truth. I hope he did not mistake the bell for a jar.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Endeavoring to interpret clearly,
You retard your attainment.
Don't you know that flame is fire?
Your rice has long been cooked.