One day, Chang-sha Ching-tsen (d. 868), one of the well-known Chinese Ch'an masters, wandered in the mountain. When he was back just at the gate of the temple, the head monk asked him:
-Where have you been, Sir?
Chang-sha replied:
二十 大力量人 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 松源和尚云、大力量人、因甚擡脚不起。
Shogen Osho asked, "Why is it that a man of great strength does not lift his legs?" 又云、開口不在舌頭上。
And he also said, "It is not the tongue he speaks with."
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、松源可謂、傾腸倒腹。
It must be said that Shogen shows us all his stomach and intestines. 只是欠人承當。
But alas, no one can appreciate him! 縱饒直下承當、正好來無門處喫痛棒。
And even if someone could appreciate him, let him come to me, and I'll beat him severely. 何故。
Why? □。要識眞金、火裏看。
If you want to find pure gold, you must see it through fire.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Lifting his leg, he kicks up the Scented Ocean;
Lowering his head, he looks down on the fourth Dhyana heaven.
There is no space vast enough for his body—
Now, somebody write the last line here.