THE GATELESS GATE - Chapter 08. Keichu the Wheelmaker
八 奚仲造車 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 月庵和尚問僧、奚仲造車一百輻。
Gettan Osho said, "Keichu, the first wheelmaker, made a cart whose wheels had a hundred spokes. 拈却兩頭、去却輻、明甚麼邊事。
Now, suppose you took a cart and removed both the wheels and the axle. What would you have?"
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、若也直下明得、眼、似流星、機、如掣電。
If anyone can directly master this topic, his eye will be like a shooting star, his spirit like a flash of lightning.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
When the spiritual wheels turn,
Even the master fails to follow them.
They travel in all directions, above and below,
North, south, east, and west.