At Savatthi. Then the Venerable Suradha approached the Buddha...and said to him:
"Venerable sir, how should one know, how should one see so that, in regard to this body with consciousness and in regard to all external signs, the...
四十七 兜率三關 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 兜率悦和尚、設三關問學者、
Tosotsu Etsu Osho set up three barriers for his disciples: 撥草參玄只圖見性。
1. You leave no stone unturned to explore profundity, simply to see into your true nature. 即今上人性在甚處。
Now, I want to ask you, just at this moment, where is your true nature? 識得自性方脱生死。
2. If you realize your true nature, you are free from life and death. 眼光落時、作麼生脱。
Tell me, when your eyesight deserts you at the last moment, how can you be free from life and death? 脱得生死便知去處、四大分離向甚處去。
3. When you set yourself free from life and death, you should know your ultimate destination. So when the four elements separate, where will you go?
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、
If you can put turning words to these three questions, you are the master wherever you may stand and command Zen whatever circumstances you may be in. 其或未然、麁□易飽、細嚼難飢。
If otherwise, listen: gulping down your meal will fill you easily, but chewing it well can sustain you.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
This moment's thoughts sees through eternal time;
Eternal time is just this moment.
If you see through this moment's thought,
You see through the man who sees through this moment.