Posted on Aug.11.2009 @ 08:05PM EDT by chontri
Different winds come from all directions. Some are clear, some carry dust,
some are cold or hot, fierce gales or gentle breezes. In the same way
sensations arise in the body...
THE GATELESS GATE - Chapter 30. Baso's This Very Mind is the Buddha
三十 即心即佛 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 馬祖、因大梅問、如何是佛。
Daibai asked Baso, "What is the Buddha?" 祖云、即心是佛。
Baso answered, "This very mind is the Buddha."
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、 若能直下領略得去、著佛衣、喫佛飯、説佛話、行佛行、即是佛也。
If you directly grasp Baso's meaning, you wear the Buddha's clothes, eat the Buddha's food, speak the Buddha's words, do the Buddha's deeds—that is, you are a Buddha himself. 然雖如是、大梅引多少人、錯認定盤星。
However, alas! Daibai misled not a few people into taking the mark on the balance for the weight itself. 爭知道説箇佛字、三日漱口。
How could he realize that even mentioning the word "Buddha" should make us rinse out our mouths for three days? 若是箇漢、見説即心是佛、掩耳便走。
If a man of understanding hears anyone say, "This very mind is the Buddha," he will cover his ears and rush away.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
The blue sky and bright day,
No more searching around!
"What is the Buddha?" you ask:
With loot in your pocket, you declare yourself innocent.