One should not imagine oneself to be one with the eye or
independent of it or the owner of it.
The same with ear and all the other senses, including the mind.
Nor should one imagine oneself to be identical with the world or
二十九 非風非幡 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 六祖、因風颺刹幡。有二僧、對論。
The wind was flapping a temple flag, and two monks started an argument. 一云、幡動。一云、風動。
One said the flag moved, the other said the wind moved; 往復曾未契理。
they argued back and forth but could not reach a conclusion. 祖云、不是風動、不是幡動、仁者心動。
The Sixth Patriarch said, "It is not the wind that moves, it is not the flag that moves; it is your mind that moves." 二僧悚然。
The two monks were awe-struck.
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、不是風動、不是幡動、不是心動、甚處見祖師。
It is not the wind that moves; it is not the flag that moves; it is not the mind that moves. How do you see the patriarch? 若向者裏見得親切、方知二僧買鐵得金。
If you come to understand this matter deeply, you will see that the two monks got gold when buying iron. 祖師忍俊不禁、一場漏逗。
The patriarch could not withhold his compassion and courted disgrace.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Wind, flag, mind, moving,
All equally to blame.
Only knowing how to open his mouth,
Unaware of his fault in talking.