Ta-mei Fa-chang (752-839) was a Chinese Ch'an master. After he got awakened under the Great master Ma-tsu Tao-i (709-788), he went to the Ta-mei mountain and resided there.
One day there was a traveling monk who got lost in the Ta-mei...
二十二 迦葉刹竿 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 迦葉、因阿難問云、世尊傳金襴袈裟外、別傳何物。
Ananda asked Kashyapa, "The World-honored One gave you the golden robe; did he give you anything else?" 葉喚云、阿難。
"Ananda!" cried Kashyapa. 難、應諾。
"Yes, sir!" answered Ananda. 葉云、倒却門前刹竿著。
"Knock down the flagpole at the gate," said Kashyapa.
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、若向者裏下得一轉語親切、便見靈山一會儼然未散。
If you can give a turning word at this point, you will see that the meeting at Mount Grdhrakuta is still solemnly continuing. 其或未然、毘婆尸佛、早留心、直至而今不得妙。
If not, then this is what Vipasyin Buddha worried about from remote ages; up to now he has still not acquired the essence.
Mumon's Verse頌曰
Tell me—question or answer—which was more intimate?
Many have knit their brows over this;
Elder brother calls, younger brother answers, and they betray the family secret.
They had a special spring, not one of yin and yang.