At Savatthi. Then the Venerable Suradha approached the Buddha...and said to him:
"Venerable sir, how should one know, how should one see so that, in regard to this body with consciousness and in regard to all external signs, the...
二十五 三座説法 | hide chinese .
show chinese | 仰山和尚、夢見往彌勒所、安第三座。
In a dream Kyozan Osho went to Maitreya's place and was led in to sit in the third seat. 有一尊者、白槌云、今日當第三座説法。
A senior monk struck with a gavel and said, "Today the one in the third seat will speak." 山乃起白槌云、摩訶衍法離四句、絶百非。
Kyozan rose and, striking with the gavel, said, "The truth of Mahayana is beyond the four propositions and transcends the hundred negations. 諦聽、諦聽。
Taicho! Taicho!" [Hear the truth!]
Mumon's Comment 無門曰、且道、是説法不説法、開口即失、閉口又喪。
Now tell me, did Kyozan preach or did he not not? If he opens his mouth, he is lost; if he seals his mouth, he is lost. 不開不閉、十万八千。
Even if he neither opens nor shuts his mouth, he is a hundred and eight thousand [miles away from the truth].
Mumon's Verse頌曰
In broad daylight, under the blue sky,
He forges a dream in a dream;
He makes up a monstrous story
And tries to deceive the whole crowd.